Wednesday, November 17, 2010

So Much, Too Little

Contrary to what other people might think, I actually pray a lot.  I'm not the type to be involved in church or religious groups, but one thing that my DWTL weekend has taught me, is to pray sincerely and spontaneously.  Ask. Listen. Trust. 

I've been praying for a sign to help answer a dilemma.  I'm not really a huge fan of signs, but they've worked for me before, so I decided to give it another try.  I asked for a specific sign.  Jess answered it two times.  It was pretty scary when He answered it that fast (and twice).  But Dear God, if that's your answer then help me understand and enlighten me.  But nevertheless, THANK YOU. THANK YOU.

Sometimes, I pray for too much, but my faith and trust is too little for the blessings You are willing to give me.  I am sorry if I find myself overwhelmed with your blessings.  My heart is small sometimes, but Your love is eternally big--I hope I never forget that. And yes God, I will open my heart. :) 

On other news, I have resolved not to write anything for you.


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